  • info@urbanlogstudios.com
  • Marysville, WA
  • September


  • 46
  • 0

Times They Are A Changin’ 


Urban Log Studios is shifting gears – closing down the kiln and focusing more on classes. This major change is both exciting and sad for us. Our kiln services are what introduced us to so many of our wonderful customers, and was one of the ways that we made an impact in the urban logging industry. But in looking into the future, we know our hearts belong to woodturning and teaching others the art and craft that we are so passionate about. 

So to all of you that have brought us your wood to dry, and have shared your plans and future projects with us, we are deeply grateful. Please know that we are, and will remain, a resource for you in the urban logging industry. We still have our contacts in the harvesting, milling and drying world – and if you are ever looking for recommendations we are still here to help. 

Our next step is to set up a new woodturning-centric shop in a new location – getting more lathes, and launching even more classes. This is going to be a hell of a lot of work, but we know it’s worth it. Andrew’s skills as an artist, craftsman and teacher combine to make his classes truly unique and inspiring – and we are so excited to bring even more students into the shop. 

We are looking at doing a final kiln run, so let us know if you have anything you want to get dried. Space will be limited, and there will be NO MINIMUM SERVICE FEES! Drop offs for this final run will be the last week in August, so don’t wait to get your reservations and deposits in if you want space in the kiln. 

Thank you everyone – on to new and exciting adventures!  

With Gratitude, Alexis & Andrew 

P.S. We will be having some larger equipment to sell and things to giveaway as we get ready for the move. Let us know if you’re interested and we’ll shoot you a list of what is available!  
P.P.S. Know of some small (750-1500 sqft) commercial/industrial/workshop space available for rent or sublease in North Snohomish County or Camano Island? Shoot us some info!   


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© Copyright 2024 AJNSquared d/b/a Urban Log Studios

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