Request wholesale pricing and more information by visiting our store on Juniper Market or use the button below to request a line sheet:
Felling of urban trees is unavoidable, but it doesn’t mean it has to be a waste. As a nation, we throw away upwards 15 million metric tons of marketable wood from urban environments annually – Urban Log Studios diverts urban trees from landfills by giving trees a second life as affordable, beautiful woodturned products.
Urban Log Studios was founded in 2021 by husband and wife team, Andrew and Alexis Nicholls, with the goal of positively impacting their community by providing needed services to the local urban logging industry. More than just a business, Urban Log Studios is a passion for expanding the accessibility of traditional craftworks and sustainable forestry practices. We aim to help other small wood businesses, crafts persons, DIYers, and landowners leave our community and environment just a little bit better than we found it for our children and the generations to come. As a rising tide lifts all ships, we hope that in building this community together we all help each other in finding our own success, create sustainable jobs, and even some friendships along the way. We hope you join us on this journey!
Owner & Craftsman, Andrew Nicholls
Request a Line Sheet or ask questions – we’d love to hear from you! You can also call us directly 425.312.3885 or email us at