• January


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Kiln News – January 2024

Woodturning Classes Kick-Off!
It’s official! We had our first students in the shop this month and had a blast introducing them to working on a lathe. Andrew knows his stuff and walked them through safety, lathe info, tools and techniques so they have the foundation to turn on their own – nothing like hands on experience to get you started!
Check out more about our Intro To Woodturning and Bowl Making Classes here!
Mad Scientist In The Shop
We are excited to say that Andrew is working on expanding the lighting line! In order to do so he is trying out some new designs and pushing his limits. Like anything else, when you push yourself to the limit, you sometimes have spectacular disasters – and this is how we learn!Thus far in that category we have a very thin, but very floppy black oak shade, and a maple pendant light that has exploded. If things aren’t exploding, can you even say you’re trying?
In The Kiln
This month was on the simpler side of things with redwood, maple and elm slabs and a little bit of cedar thrown on top. No jigsawing necessary this time. We are almost wrapped up with pickups and will get next month’s run loaded up next week.
We still have some room in the February run so throw some in if you got some! Give us a call at (425)312-3885 or email us anytime to get on the schedule.
Got questions about how the kiln process works? Check out our FAQs page, cost calculator or contact us with any questions – we’re happy to help!


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