• March


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Kiln News – March 2022

Spring Cleaning, Except with Tools
March has brought some changes to Urban Log Studios: the lathe is migrating to the back of the shop, other tools, like the drill press, headed up to the mezzanine, and…(cue angelic music) Andrew added a brand new Laguna 18BX band saw to his menagerie.
The new band saw was badly needed, and now we can really pump out the bowl blanks – which is good, because we have a lot of inventory to build up before the craft fairs: Everett’s Art in the ParkEverett Fisherman’s Village Music Fest and Monroe Home & Garden ShowWe also have occasional firewood that we dry from unusable pieces of wood, and though fitting them into loads like a terrible game of Tetris with splinters is fun, we decided totes is the way to go. Got a camping trip coming up and want some grade A firewood – let us know!
We also ended up running 2 loads in the kiln this month: The first load had doug fir slabs and a couple of cedar slabs for a Mount Vernon Highschool teacher appreciation project – which we were happy to support. The second run is a hodgepodge of redwood, white oak, walnut cookies, cedar rounds, maple and cypress slabs – and one monster 13 foot 3” thick cedar slab.The second run should be coming out in early April, and we only have room for 4 foot long or less pieces for the 2nd April run. May is partially booked, but if you have some pieces, or a whole load, that you would like to run give us a call at (425)312-3885 or email us and we’ll get you scheduled in.
Looking forward to a very productive, and super organized April after all of this hard work. We would love to hear from you if you have any questions, want to stop by our booth at the craft/music fairs, or if you just want get to know your new local woodworkers. Give us a call at (425)312-3885 or email us!
Check out this cool video! Making jigs is an art. Check out this fascinating video about the development and prototyping of a flush trim band saw jig.


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